Thursday 5 April 2018

The guest blogger series 2: Anna, Blossoming Birds

I've adored Anna ever since I stumbled over her stunning bright feed, heard her accent and fell in love with her style! She is a gorgeous mamma to two beautiful girls who also always look so stylish, and wife to Colin. They from Northern Ireland and are just such a lovely family. Anna's style is so classy and elegant, she always looks nothing less than perfect, so she absolutely had to be on this series of all things fashion and what a way to kick it off!

What's your name and what's your instagram handle?
I'm Anna and my handle is @blossomingbirds

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I am married to Colin, Mum to two little girls, a supermarket store manager and a blogger in the loosest term (whenever I get a chance to post more like)

Who are your fashion inspirations, do they Instagram handles?
Oh I've a few go to accounts for when I fancy a little fashion inspo; Jess from @jess_soothill , Chloe from @chloelovestoshop and Emma from @emmahill are the main three that spring to mind as all of their fashion is very realistic and wearable. I love how they make everything seem so effortless.

How would you explain your fashion style?
Normally it's pretty basic and practical. Jeans, top, flat shoes or trainers and a cross body bag. I don't wear a uniform to work, so love to dress up for work, as sometimes, it's the only time of the week I get to wear heels. I love the crisp, clean style and especially when I can get the white embroidered blouses out in the Spring.

If there was only one clothing shop in the entire world, and it was your decision what that was, what would it be and why?
Zara! It covers everything in one shop and such a mix of styles at reasonable prices (plus I love their kids clothing) but I'd want to move to another planet... only one shop sounds like hell ;)

Name your staple pieces?
Skinny jeans - I do love straight leg jeans and I own a few pairs, but I don't find them as flattering as skinny jeans. A blazer - perfect for dressing up or down. A handbag you really love! - I could be wearing old jeans and a tee but when I grab a nice bag, I feel like it pulls together an outfit. And lastly, a Breton - timeless and perfect for everyday wear.

What is one item of clothing you couldn't live without?
I feel pretty noncommittal here, as I had to think about this! I have to say jeans, as when I'm not working, I wear jeans most days, though I am sure I could adapt to dresses... plus dresses are super comfy anyway!

What are your go to brands/shops?
I try to buy less quantity and more quality when it comes to clothes shopping. I love shopping new season and find myself always heading back to H&M, Zara and Topshop. I do love a Boden purchase though, especially their Bretons and Midi Dresses.

What would your wardrobe say about you?
That I like spots and stripes... or maybe more that I am a hoarder! I'm sure I've items in there, I wore in my teens and probably won't pass my knees anymore! I must get more ruthless (I've been saying this for years) - If my wardrobe could speak she would say "Give me a break girl, that rail ain't supposed to be that shape!"

If you could have one celebrity's wardrobe, who's would it be and why?
Victoria Beckham's - Simple, elegant, timeless and she rocks casual!

If someone was willing to buy you absolutely any fashion garm you wanted and money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
Probably the Chanel Classic Flap Maxi bag, a timeless investment and one I'm sure the girls, when they are older, will be happy to look after. It would also dress up any jeans and tee combo!

What would your advice be to someone who wasn't confident when it came to flaunting their style?
Forget trends. Find what suits you and dress for yourself... When you feel good it will shine through. Being content and confident being you, is the best look.

Click the links below for Anna's socials:

We hope you enjoyed this post,
Love, Rey & Anna x

1 comment

Unknown said...

Great blog! Love the advice from Anna at the end xx

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