Tuesday 20 March 2018

The guest blogger series 1: Sam, Dove Cottage

Sam from Dove Cottage is a recent find for me on Instagram. We have an extremely similar blog so immediately I was drawn to Sam's style and content! Sam's home style is the style I would've loved to have pulled off myself - it's all the pretties and vintage style niknaks, 
 her home looks so clean and crisp - I hope you like it as much as I do! 

What's your name and what's your instagram handle?
Sam and my instagram is @dove_cottage

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I live in Kent, in a three bed semi detached house. This is our first home and I live with my husband, 10 month old daughter and the naughtiest puppy ever - Betsy, a maltese. I'm currently on maternity leave from my job in Marketing. I spend every spare minute I have (which isn't many!) either watching trashy reality or hard hitting crime documentaries - there's no inbetween with me!

How long have you been Blogging/Instagramming and what inspired you to start?
I started my Instagram account 2 and a half years ago, after following loads of beautiful home accounts. I spent about a year thinking about it, before plucking up the courage to do it, I didn't think my home was nice enough! I then started my blog www.dovecottageblog.com a couple of months later, as I was having so much fun with Instagram!

Who inspires you? Do they have Instagram handles?
My absolute dream, is to one day buy a fixer-upper home, so I love to follow people who share their renovation projects. I have far too many favourites to mention so will go for Jess from @thehoppyhome some serious kitchen goals right there! Francesca from @1lavendercottage she always makes me laugh on her stories! and lastly, Lucy from @__itslucy__ who I've followed forever and have loved watching her stunning Edwardian home transformation. I discover someone new everyday though!

Would you say your home has a theme? If so, how would you describe it?
It has always been very vintage. I've recently been loving the scandi style and have been injecting a bit of that into my home.

What is your favourite room in your home and why?
At the minute, I'm having so much fun putting together my daughter's nursery. So it would have to be her room! Who knew picking out tutus would be so much fun?!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I feel like this changes, depending on my mood! Sometimes I'd love the hustle and bustle of New York City (great choice Sam!) sometimes a beachfront in Califronia but other times, a countryside cottage, in the middle of nowhere.

Where do you generally shop for home related products?
I'm a huge IKEA fan (it's genuinley a big day out for me!) But, I do also love places like Homesense, Laura Ashley, The White Company and even good old Sainsbury's for the little touches.

Tell us something interesting about you, that we wouldn't find out from your socials?
I once entered a children's sandcastle building competition judged by the Chuckle Brothters. I got bored after a couple of minutes and left my Dad to finish off building it. Needless to say, we didn't win!

Do you have a 5 year plan?
New home, another baby (possibly) and to make a success of my blog. That last one might be more of a pipe dream though!

What advice would you give to first time buyers?
Buy somewhere you can comfortably stay in, for the next few years, mainly because moving is just the worst isn't it?! We were so desperate to buy as we were staying with the in-laws, we found countless places just about big enough for the two of us, but knowing we wanted to start a family within a few years, we stuck it out until we found somewhere larger. I'm so glad we waited as you wouldn't believe the amount of junk a baby brings!

If you won £1m what would you do and buy with it?
I'd buy my dream home, no question! Somewhere with a huge kitchen, swimming pool and more roll top baths than you can throw a stick at!

What is one thing you couldn't live without?
FaceTime - I literally call my Mum at least once a day, every day, sometimes for a couple of hours at a time!

What song would be the theme tune to your life?
I'm going to have to be really predictable and go for the Friends theme tune - I literally still watch it all the time, and in all honesty it never seems to be my day, week, month or year!

Hit us with your best motto?
"There's no place like home" from The Wizard of Oz. It's so true!

Click the links below for Sam's socials:
Instagram: @dove_cottage

We hope you enjoyed this post,
Love, Rey & Sam x



Unknown said...

Loving the guest series Ray! The sandcastle competition for the chuckle brothers made me lol, Sams poor dad! Again nice to get to know Sam a little better xx

Rey Willis said...

Thanks hun! Glad you're enjoying the guest bloggers, got lots more to come! Haha I know, that part had me howling!! xx

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