Sunday 11 March 2018

Nanny Sawyer's lemon drizzle bake

My Nanny Sawyer taught me to bake. Every time I make this lemon drizzle, it immediately takes me back to times where I would stay with her during school holidays and I would sit on the work tops taking sneaky spoonsfuls of cake mix and she would say "Queeny stop it else we shall have none left to eat for later!"

I'm not a fan of anything lemony tasting at all, so I was surprised at  just how much I love this bake. It feels like spring, tastes so sweet and the sponge is the perfect balance of fluffiness and moisture. I guarantee you'll find it utterly delicious.

I'm so pleased, that when my Nanny was alive, she wrote this recipe down for my Mum. A mixture of emotions flood through me whilst looking at her writing, I've kept cards and letters too. She was the most bubbly and gorgeous person you ever did meet, and keeping that memory alive is very important to me.

So, let's bake!

6oz  margarine
8oz  self raising flour
1 & 1/2  teaspoons of baking powder
10 oz caster sugar
3 x eggs
3 x tablespoons of milk
2 x fresh lemons

1 x loaf tin
1 x roll of baking paper
1 x lemon for decorating (optional)
1 x sieve 
1 x hand held mixer
1 x large mixing bowl
1 x jug

1. Set oven to 180 degrees
2. Line a loaf tin with baking paper
3. Cream the margarine and 6oz of sugar together in mixing bowl
4. Beat eggs and milk together in separate jug
5. Add half of your flour to the bowl of creamed marg & sugar and mix well
6. Add half the milk and egg mixture to the mixing bowl and mix well
7. Add the other half of the flour and the egg mixture, mix all together now
8. Quick taste test! Lick the spoon, the bowl, the whisk etc etc...
9. Pour into the loaf tin
10. Bake for 30 minutes or until the top looks a delicious brown
11. Whilst cooling mix together the juice of two lemons (tip: put two lemons in the microwave for 10 seconds to soften) with the remaining 4oz of caster sugar
12. Poke holes in the cake whilst still warm and pour over the lemon/sugar mixture. Make sure you only remove the cake from the tin when it's totally cold
13. Bloody enjoy it!

In loving memory, Margaret Joan Sawyer 02/09/1937-22/05/2015

Love, Rey x


Unknown said...

Look so yummy i need to give it a go!! Bless your Nanny, but lovely that you can continue to make something that she did to help the memories flood back xx

Rey Willis said...

Ah thanks hun! It is very delicious if I may say so myself! I totally agree xx

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